PNE AG - Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Cuxhaven

PNE strengthens its communicative presence through brand integration of WKN GmbH

  • WKN GmbH becomes PNE Erneuerbare Energien GmbH
  • Strong brand for project development and power generation
  • No impact on existing business relationships

Cuxhaven / Husum, 25 September 2024 – PNE and WKN are two established brands that offer comprehensive solutions in the field of wind farm project planning and operation. WKN GmbH has been part of the PNE Group since 2013. Now, what belongs together is being brought together at brand level: PNE is integrating its WKN brand, which will no longer be continued as a separate brand, and thus standardising the joint appearance.

The aim of this integration is to bundle the communication of the comprehensive competences of PNE and WKN in the uniform ‘PNE’ brand in order to further consolidate the market position in the renewable energies sector. WKN GmbH will now become PNE Erneuerbare Energien GmbH. The company itself will therefore continue to exist.

With this strategic adjustment, the PNE Group aims to further expand its market position. ‘By bundling our brands, we are creating an even clearer presence in the market and can better utilise synergies to drive innovative solutions for a climate-neutral future,’ explains Per Hornung Pedersen, CEO of PNE AG.

‘We are pleased about the renaming. By merging under the PNE brand, we are pooling our expertise even further and strengthening the sense of togetherness within the Group,’ adds Dr Jan Messer, Managing Director of WKN GmbH. ‘The customers and business partners of the former WKN can continue to fully rely on the co-operation: All contacts will remain in place and all projects will continue seamlessly. Concluded contracts will continue unchanged.’

PNE-Ansprechpartnerin Aileen Schwanemann
Aileen Schwanemann