Solar energy.

Global project planning for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems.

Our core competences include top-quality site evaluation, land securing, project development and the turnkey construction of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems. From project acquisition to project dismantling: We are your trustworthy, competent and reliable partner. We strive to continuously maintain the life cycle of our PV systems throughout the operations phase, to get the best out of them together with you.

It is particularly important to us to ensure that the development of PV projects is transparent and based on the greatest possible consensus, with the involvement of all local stakeholders. That is why we rely on fair cooperation with municipalities and private landowners. Our partners benefit from our global experience as a Clean Energy Solutions Provider, which we bring to local projects, and which allows us to guarantee the highest quality and absolute reliability.

Good future prospects.

Our partners benefit from our global experience as a Clean Energy Solutions Provider, which we can apply to local projects to guarantee the highest quality and absolute reliability.

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> 6.1  GWp

 in the PV pipeline

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Floating-PV and agri-PV.

Efficient land use with floating PV and agri-PV.

In addition to our greenfield PV projects, we are also involved in floating PV, the installation of photovoltaic systems on bodies of water like artificial lakes or quarries. This opens up bodies of water for us in energy generation and is a particularly good option where available land is limited. Floating photovoltaic systems offer various benefits compared to conventional ground or roof systems. By placing them on the water, plants can be cooled more efficiently and heat up less quickly. During project development, environmental impacts in particular are carefully considered. Environmental studies and assessments are carried out, and the potential impacts on water quality, the ecosystem and wildlife are evaluated. 

Agri-PV is another promising option for generating energy from solar power. In agri-PV, photovoltaic systems are installed on land used for agricultural purposes, such as arable land and pasture. This creates the major advantage of efficient use of limited land, by generating energy alongside agricultural production. Land use as well as plant and animal life can benefit. For example, plant life is protected from extreme weather conditions, such as heat or hail, and the plants' water requirements can be reduced through shading from the PV systems. 


Which areas are suitable?

We are generally willing to consider areas larger than 5 ha, on which projects of more than 5 MWp can be implemented. However, the framework conditions can vary by federal state and can be very complex.

On the one hand, we realise projects eligible for funding under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). These include areas along motorways and active railways as well as converted areas. On the other hand, we implement projects not covered by the EEG subsidies, since PV projects are already being realised without state support and subsidies in many countries around the world. In order to advance the global energy transition, rapid expansion will ultimately be needed.

We are your reliable and transparent partner for the operation of a PV system on your site. You, as the owner and proprietor, can benefit from a fixed lease for around 30 years and do not have to worry about permits and project planning or the implementation of the project.

Do you own land and would like to generate value from your land?
We would be happy to analyse the potential and provide you with a non-binding lease offer.




Where nature and technology meet.

By expanding renewable energy systems, particularly by installing photovoltaic systems in open spaces, we help the environment in two ways: We generate sustainable energy and reduce our carbon footprint - and we also increase biodiversity by creating new habitats for insects, birds and other animals.

  • While the photovoltaic system is operational, the soil can recover from the intensive agricultural use of the past decades. No more nutrients, pesticides or insecticides are added artificially. 
  • The absence of pesticides and fungicides also protects insects and wild bees from poisoning. 
  • Wild herbs and flowers in the area of the photovoltaic system, which flower throughout the seasons, provide sufficient food during the flying season. The resulting natural reintroduction of insects and wild bees is a major benefit, especially for the surrounding fauna and flora, because they can have a positive effect on the local ecosystem on their route to the photovoltaic system. 
  • The fenced area can provide beekeepers with a safe location for their colonies.

Our answers to frequently asked questions.

MWp means megawatt peak. This describes the peak power that a photovoltaic system can generate under standard conditions. It is also called nominal power. Technologically, this corresponds to direct current power.

There are various options for what to do with a PV system that has been dismantled:

1. Reuse: It may be possible to reuse parts of the PV system, such as the PV modules, inverters and mounting systems, in other projects. They could either be relocated to another site or integrated into other PV systems.

2. Recycling: If it is no longer possible to reuse the components or these have become obsolete, they can be recycled. PV modules are made from different materials such as glass, metals and plastics that can be recovered and recycled in other products.

3. Disposal: In some cases, components of a PV system that can neither be reused or recycled must be disposed of properly. This is usually done in accordance with local environmental regulations and may involve the safe disposal of certain materials or substances.

PV systems themselves are not toxic. The main components of PV systems are PV modules, which are made of materials such as silicon, glass, metal compounds and plastics. These materials are not normally toxic.

However, there are some important points to consider:

1. Toxic materials used in manufacture: The manufacture of PV modules can involve the use of certain chemical substances that can be potentially harmful to the environment. However, most manufacturers have implemented strict environmental rules and processes to ensure the correct handling and disposal of these substances.

2. Disposal of PV modules: PV modules have a long service life, but if they need to be disposed of, this must be done in accordance with the applicable local regulations.

It is important to keep in mind that PV systems are generally considered environmentally friendly and sustainable. They produce clean energy and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Their potential environmental impacts are largely associated with the correct manufacture, installation and disposal of the systems.

A fire in ground-mounted PV systems can be dangerous, but the risks are manageable. There are some important points to consider:

1. Risk of fire: PV modules are made of non-combustible materials such as glass and metal. The modules themselves thus do not increase the risk of fire. But ground-mounted PV systems are at risk because of the dry grass or other combustible materials accumulating under the PV modules, which could contribute to a fire.

2. Fire-fighting: In the event of a fire in a ground-mounted PV system, appropriate fire-fighting measures must be taken. These may include calling the fire brigade, using fire extinguishers or deploying other suitable extinguishing facilities. The specific measures depend on local regulations and conditions.

3. Spread of fires: One particular challenge faced by ground-mounted PV systems is how to prevent the spread of fires. The PV modules are usually arranged in rows and a fire in one PV module can spread to neighbouring PV modules. This makes it important to have appropriate safety measures in place, such as sufficient spacing between rows, fire zones and extinguishing equipment, so that the fire can be prevented from spreading.

4. Safety regulations: Ground-mounted PV systems are governed by national and regional safety regulations which include fire protection. These regulations may outline minimum distancing requirements from combustible materials, installation of fire-fighting systems or other measures to minimise the risk of fire.

It is important to ensure that ground-mounted PV systems are designed, installed and maintained in line with the applicable regulations so as to minimise the risk of fire and to be able to respond appropriately in the event of a fire. Compliance with safety standards and staff training are both crucial to reduce the risk of fires and ensure system safety.

Dr. Ingrid Schleper
Project Development Photovoltaic